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This spring, too unusual, is destined to be remembered by history.

The extent to which this sudden outbreak will change the pattern of the world and the society in which we live is still unclear. To be sure, many people's life and even the life style have been changed from then on bd00e57b4ff2494db83e4565358a9be6

Automation and digitization bring new development opportunities
Achaya: I see that China is continuing globalization and looking for new opportunities for itself in the process of leading globalization. China will focus on areas with special advantages, such as infrastructure construction, which is an important part of the new globalization. I believe that China's new globalization agenda will have a greater regional orientation, which will include some developing countries and some European countries.
The new coronavirus epidemic may further weaken support for globalization, which has been weakened by populism. But this crisis will not end globalization, which may be based on more regional or interregional linkages. New forms of globalization should be regulated more strictly to make it more humane and manageable. The epidemic crisis may bring some positive results. Some aspects of globalization, such as excessive tourism, will be more affected, which is not necessarily a bad thing for heritage sites and the global environment. Other aspects, such as the increasingly automated and digital flow of goods and services, where China may have an advantage, will be less affected. With the support of new technologies, new opportunities for globalization may emerge. Finally, the epidemic will further promote the world to surpass the liberal world order dominated by the United States. The liberal world order is in decline. In this epidemic crisis, East Asian countries seem to perform better than western countries.
Li Cheng: China's participation in globalization is not a choice, but a necessity. China has 19% of the world's population, but it only accounts for 7% of the world's arable land, 7% of fresh water, 3% of forests, 2% of oil and 1% of natural gas reserves. Mineral resources are far from meeting the needs of domestic use and are in urgent need of resource import. On the other hand, China is a big manufacturing country covering the whole industrial chain, and its huge products need the international market. Therefore, China must accelerate its integration into the world economy. At the same time, we should pay attention to the reactions of other countries and learn more about their cultural habits, economic operation and governance mode. I have two suggestions. First, as the world's second largest economy, China should assume more responsibilities and obligations in the process of globalization and share more of the fruits of globalization. Second, some of the current statements against China are biased, but some constructive opinions need to be viewed with empathy.
I have great confidence in China's economic prospects and its integration with the world. Compared with many countries including the United States, China's comparative advantages are large consumption potential, high urbanization potential, rapid infrastructure development, and gradual growth of middle-income groups; government policies emphasize innovation, green development, public health, social welfare, and financial openness. These good policies will make China more and more competitive in the international economic field.
Wang Dong: "re globalization" refers to the reform of globalization process by emerging countries represented by China, as well as the mode upgrading and expansion effect produced by this reform. In the face of the spread of the epidemic, while comprehensively and effectively preventing and controlling the epidemic situation in China, China has provided assistance within its capacity to other countries and regions, actively participated in global public health governance, and made efforts to promote international cooperation in Transnational Joint Prevention and control, which embodies the responsibility and responsibility of the leader of "re globalization".
The epidemic has not only brought unprecedented global crisis, but also contains new opportunities for accelerating the development of "re globalization". The outbreak of the epidemic does not mean the end of globalization. In the post epidemic period, globalization will transform into a new stage of "re globalization". In the era of "re globalization", the technological progress promoted by digital revolution and artificial intelligence will provide impetus for the upgrading of global industrial chain. Countries will also be able to enjoy development opportunities more fairly, and human society will receive more welfare dividends. As the main leader in promoting the expansion and upgrading of globalization, China will play a greater role.
Li Cheng: globalization is not only driven by economic interests, but also plays a role in maintaining regional and world peace. Just as the original intention of the EU was to ease the tension between Germany and France and eliminate the possibility of war, so does globalization, but people seem to have forgotten this point. I am more worried about the future trend of Sino US relations. People of insight in China and the United States should help the public understand the danger of "decoupling" thinking.
Wang Yizhou: China must do its own things right. Great achievements have been made in the fight against the epidemic in China, which not only reflects China's unique political system advantages and leadership, but also reflects the tenacity of the Chinese nation, the self-organization of the society, the spirit of sacrifice of medical personnel and the outstanding contribution of tens of thousands of ordinary people. However, it is still necessary to take precautions and be prepared to deal with new challenges and pressures. From the domestic perspective, we are faced with the arduous tasks of preventing the epidemic rebound caused by foreign imports, restarting the economic engine in the process of returning to work and production, overcoming poverty and building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. In the next stage, there will be many battles to improve the quality of social and economic development and innovation capacity of the whole country. In the international arena, there are several major challenges for China to deal with: first, to fight back against the "dumping pot" led by some politicians in the United States; second, to effectively carry out global anti epidemic assistance according to its ability; third, to make the international mechanism and coordination platform which is currently in a suspended or vacuum state play a role again. In this process, we must adhere to the position of multilateralism and the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind, adhere to the principle of rational, powerful and restrained international struggle, and adhere to the indispensable aspects of the trinity of national sovereignty, security and development

Post time: Aug-15-2020